


Rotterdam İslâm Üniversitesi, “İslâmî Manevî Bakım”

Yüksek Lisans Bölümü Açtı


25 Nisan 2011


1997 yılında kurulan Rotterdam İslâm Üniversitesi, bir ilke imza attı. Uygulamalı İslâmî sosyal bilimler alanında açılan “İslâmî Manevî Bakım” programında hem geniş, hem de özel anlamda manevî bakımın özellikleri okutulmaktadır. Yüksek Lisans programında bir taraftan meslekî yeterlilik, sosyal psikoloji, özürlülük, bakıma muhtaçlık ve bakım organizasyonu gibi genel konular ele alınmakta, diğer taraftan da spesifik İslâmî değerler üzerinden konulara yaklaşılmaktadır. 2 yıl devam edecek programın dersleri, Hollanda dilince verilecektir. Programın başkanlığını Prof. Dr. Emin Akçahüseyin yürütmektedir.

Yeni açılan bölüm, Hollanda- Flaman Akreditasyon Kurumu (NVAO) tarafından resmen akredite edildi. Rektörlüğünü Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgündüz’ün yaptığı Üniversite, bu kararla Hollanda Yüksek Eğitim Kanunu'na göre diğer resmi Hollanda üniversiteleri gibi hak ve yükümlülükleri olan bir kurum haline geldi. Üniversite Rektörü Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgündüz, "Hollanda'da üniversitelerin bir bölümünün tanınması, tüm üniversitenin tanınması anlamına geliyor. Karardan dolayı çok sevinçliyiz. Bu, Avrupa'da bir ilktir ve tarihi bir olaydır." dedi.

Üniversitenin bu kararla, artık devlet tarafından tanınan bir yüksek eğitim kurumu haline geldiğine işaret eden Prof. Dr. Akgündüz, öğrencilerinin hiçbir yere başvurmadan burs ve bedava toplu taşıma araçlarından yararlanma gibi fırsatlara kavuştuğunu söyledi. Manevî Bakım alanında çok iddialı olduklarını söyleyen Prof. Dr. Akgündüz, “Bize gelen öğrenciler genelde lisans eğitimini tamamlamış olanlar. İlahiyat fakülteleri mezunları. Biz onlara yüksek lisans imkânı sunuyoruz." dedi. Bu resmi tanınma ile kapılarının bütün İslam âlemine açıldığına değinen Prof. Dr. Akgündüz, Üniversitenin artık dünyanın her yerinden, şartlarını yerine getiren isteklileri, talebe olarak kabul edebilme imkânına kavuştuğuna temas etti.

İslâm Üniversitesi, bir Avrupa üniversitesi olarak Hollanda'da İslâm dinine dayalı bir eğitim vermektedir. Hollanda toplumunda İslâmî ilimlerin akademik seviyede okutulmasını hedefleyen İslâm Üniversitesinin müfredatında, İslâm dünyasında kabul görmüş ilmî metot ve gelenekler önemli bir yer tutmaktadır.


Daha fazla bilgi edinmek için bkz.:


Master (M) Islamic Spiritual Care 

Admission criteria

Application and admission

Type of master

Professional Master

Language of instruction


Duration of programme

2 Years


M Islamic Spiritual Care (M Islamitische Geestelijke Verzorging)

Isat (CROHO-code)


Education and Examination Regulations

Education and Examination Regulations



Islamic Spiritual Care is one of the Master's programmes in Applied Islamic Sciences. It deals with the study of spiritual care both in the broad sense (the formation of profession, professional competences and skills, human normal and abnormal psychology, personalities and personality disorders, social psychology, organizational and legacy aspects of spiritual workers, etc.) and in the more specific sense of referring to Islamic psychology, spirituality and ethics.

The programme trains students in Islamic sciences, in particular spiritual care and moral guide, at a high academic level. The combination of trainings in applied ethics and crisis psychology with reflection of basic Islamic theology provides the professional tools and skills that students need to understand and handle complex spiritual and moral issues in critical stages of life.

Studying M Islamic Spiritual Care at the Islamic University of Rotterdam

The university building that houses the lectures and class rooms is located in the city center of  Rotterdam, which offers a host of opportunities for students and university workers.

Islamic Spiritual Care is a well-established and successful study program in the Applied Islamic, social and cultural studies at professional Master level, and an important field of research in spiritual care and moral guide at the IUR. The core staff are experienced scholars who combine teaching, field experience and research, and investigate a variety of topics in Islamic spiritual care and moral guide (ranging from drug abuse (the Muslim youth welfare work) to the Islamic palliative care and guide) and publish extensively.

As workers in field of spiritual care they are part of the Dutch Spiritual Care Association (VGVZ). They have contacts with experts of the other denominations (Christians, Jews, etc.) as well as other scholars in the Netherlands and abroad.

Islamic Spiritual Care as a full-time or part-time study programme

The programme is only full-time. 



Accreditation and degree

This Master's degree has been accredited by the Accreditation Organization of The Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This means that upon completion students will receive a legally recognized Master (M) degree in Islamic Spiritual Care.

You can find more information on accreditation and degrees via the link below.



M Islamic Spiritual Care


The programme starts in September. The Master is awarded upon successful completion of both the course requirements and a Master's thesis. The curriculum consists of core theory courses (75 ECTS credits), practical trainings (15 ECTS credits), an applied research course (10 ECTS credits) and a research project of the Master's thesis (20 ECTS credits). The requirements should take two years of full-time study. Students who have to complete a pre master preparatory programme will need more time, which will depend on the extra requirements to be fulfilled.


Subjects of the first year programme (MA1)


Module (subject)

ECTS credits

Geestelijke verzorging als beroep (Spiritual Care as a Profession)


Geestelijke verzorging in Justitiële- en Zorginstellingen (Spiritual Care in Justice and Health Care Organizations)


Ethiek in de gezondheidszorg II  (Ethics of Health Care II)


Communicatievaardigheden voor geestelijk verzorgers (Communicative Skills for Spiritual Care Experts)


Bemiddeling en advisering (Mediation and Advising)


Psychopathologie (Psychopathology)


 Subjects of the first year programme (MA2)


Module (subject)

ECTS Credits

Islamitische counseling (Islamic Counseling)


Capita Selecta (Selected Topics)


Toegepaste Onderzoeksmethoden en vaardigheden (Applied Research Methods and Skills)


Masterscriptie (Master Thesis)


Stage en supervisie (Training and Supervision)




Master Thesis

The Master's thesis (20 ECTS credits) is a report on research that focuses on a topic in the field of Islamic Spiritual Care, in which theoretical insights and the analysis of practical cases with empirical data are integrated. It is carried out by the students under the supervision of department professors. The subject of the thesis is to be mutually agreed upon by the student and the academic adviser. The thesis should be between 60-70 A4-pages (about 15,000 and 24,000 words.)

Degree requirements

The Master degree (120 ECTS credits) is awarded upon successful completion of the course requirements and a Master's thesis.

Detailed course information

The complete description of all subjects in this programme can be found in the Study Guide (Studiegids) in Dutch.

Please note that the programme as described in the Study Guide is that of 2010-2011 and subject to change if necessary. The programme for 2011-2012 will be online in the Study Guide as of September 2011.


Career prospects


M Islamic Spiritual Care


The Master programme in Islamic Spiritual Care prepares students for jobs in a variety of sectors, including mosques, hospitals, schools, advisory organizations, government institutions (such as prisons of Ministry of Justice, police, army) and non-governmental organizations.


Application and admission


M Islamic Spiritual Care

Applications will be carefully evaluated by the admission committee. The committee determines whether or not all entry requirements as specified below are met.

Entry requirements

Bachelor's degree of the Islamic Sciences of the Islamic University of Rotterdam
Students with a Bachelor's degree from the Islamic Sciences of the Islamic University of Rotterdam can apply for the registration. However, they are considered to have the knowledge, insight and skills in the orientation modules. The orientation program (25 ECTS credits) consists of the following subjects:


Module (the orientation subjects)

ECTS credits

(Islamitische) psychologie (Islamic Psychology)


Ethiek in de Gezondheidszorg I (Ethics of Health Care I)


Pre-master IGV scriptie (Bachelor thesis over spiritual care)


Sociale vaardigheden (Social Skills)



Bachelor's degree of the Islamic Sciences of other Dutch universities

Students with a (similar) Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in Islamic theology from other Dutch universities can apply for the registration.. They are considered to have the basic knowledge, insight and skills in Islamic sciences at a level of premaster. The premaster program (60 ECTS credits) consists of the following preparatory subjects:


Module (pre master preparatory subjects)

ECTS Credits

Inleiding in de Qor'an Wetenschappen (introduction to Koran Sciences)


Qor'an Recitatie (Koran Recitation)


Hadith Wetenschappen I (Hadith Sciences I)


Kalaam Wetenshappen I (Kalaam Sciences I)


Fiqh I (Fiqh Sciences I)


Geschiedenis I (History I)


Soefisme: Doctrines en Praktijken (Sufism: doctrines and practices)


(Islamitische) Psychologie (Islamic Psychology)


Ethiek in de Gezondheidszorg I (Ethics of Health Care I)


Premaster IGV scriptie ((Bachelor thesis over spiritual care)


Sociale vaardigheden (Social Skills)



Bachelor’s degree in other (closely related) sciences

Students with a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in social, behavioral sciences (including psychology, pedagogy, sociology, criminology, human resources and social work) and other sciences that are closely linked with the spiritual care, are invited to apply for the registration. However, they must first fully complete the pre master program (see the preparatory sucjects as shown above). These applicants are considered to have a solid knowledge, insight and skills of Islamic sciences (Qor'an, hadith, fiqh, kalaam and Islamic history).


Graduates from universities of applied sciences (HBO)

Applicants with an HBO (Applied Sciences) Bachelor's degree in Islamic sciences or Islamic theology are admitted to register. However, they are considered to have a solid knowledge, insight and skills in the premaster modules.

Applicants with a closely related HBO Bachelor's degree in sciences other than Islamic sciences or Islamic theology must first fully complete the full bachelor Islamic sciences at the Islamic University of Rotterdam.


International diplomas

International diplomas are evaluated on the basis of advice from professional evaluators as such NUFFIC. The minimum level of the diploma should be equivalent to three years of Dutch university education which is an equivalent of an academic bachelor education of 180 ECTS credits.


Dutch language proficiency
All applicants must be able to read textbooks, understand lectures, take part in classroom discussions and write in Dutch at a level of at least NT-II.

Refer to Dutch language courses.


Arabic language proficiency

Arabic language is not required, but all applicants must be able to read and recite the Koran verses. Important is that a pre master student does have Arabic language proficiency for some courses especially for the courses relating the basic Islam sciences.


Resident Permit

The applicant is a citizen of one of the EU countries or has a legal resident permit in one of the EU countries. By a “legal resident permit” the following is understood:

1.         a (permanent) resident permit on the basis of family connection;

2.         a (permanent) resident permit on the basis of “recognized refugee”;

3.         a resident permit on the basis of “labor contract” (tewerkstellingsvergunning), valid at least for 6 months;

4.         a resident permit differing from the above-mentioned status, valid at least for more than 1 year, but well being allowed to study in the Netherlands

Application procedure and forms

To make use of the university’s education, the exams, and other facilities, the applicants have to apply a registration (enrollment) procedure at the IUR. They have to fulfill all requirements below. Once have met the admission (entrance) requirements, the Students Affairs Service will register (enroll) the student for the master programme. For the registration, the Students Affairs Service will need the following (admission file) documents:

§     A completed application form (available at the Student Affairs Service or downloadable from the University’s web page),

§     Certified photostat copy of Bachelor diploma obtained from the IUR or an equivalent one from an other institution if the two programmes match.  Any deficiencies in the Bachelor diploma can be compensated by a one-year pre-master programme.

§     for foreign students; a transcript accompanying the diploma

§     Certified transcripts of all courses/degree programs completed,

§     Certified lists of marks obtained at the examinations,

§     Short description of the courses/degree programs followed,

§     NT2 certificate of Dutch language proficiency

§     Copy of birth certificate or passport pages or ID card, indicating full names, date and place of birth,

§     A short curriculum vitae,

§     Valid resident permit in the Netherlands,

§     Visa for students coming from outside the following countries: EU-countries, Switzerland,  Liechtenstein, Monaco, Island, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Austria,  USA, Canada, Australia, New-Zeeland and Japan See for details: Visa application procedure

§     A recent pass photo which meets the standards. See for details: http://www.paspoortinformatie.nl/english/Travel_documents

All documents should be in Dutch or English, add certified translations if necessary. For more information on the application procedure and required application forms for the professional master programme, please follow the link below and download the Application Form.

Deadline for registration

Registration at the IUR takes place each academic year, not on a semester basis. The academic year starts on 1 September. The application for enrollment for the following study year has to be made in the period between the dates May 15th and September 1st. The enrollment is valid only for 1 study year. After the end of each study year, the enrollment has to be renewed for the following study year.

Tuition Fee

§     EU/EEA: 1.672 euro (full-time) 1.465 euro (part-time). Students who started before 1 September 2010 are eligible for a compensation arrangement.

Non-EU/EEA 5000 euro (full-time